"Autodesk is a stronger and more successful company because of the contributions of Angela and the highly talented DeFinis team. We are proud to work with a partner who believes in continuous improvement and provides consistent high quality results—we think it’s magic!"

Jan Becker
Senior Vice President Human Resources
Autodesk, Inc.

"My sincere thanks for your most gracious, generous coaching. You made it look easy and even more important, possible, so I will keep at it, inspired to deliver my upcoming talk now equipped with the skills that the content deserves."

Mija Riedel
Writer, Researcher

News Center

Her Vision, Her Company on CBS 5 and CBS.com - Watch Angela's Video

Angela DeFinis and DeFinis Communications will be profiled in a new series on CBS 5 featuring women-owned businesses in the Bay Area.

Currently, nearly 42% of privately held firms in California are owned by women. CBS 5 has selected 13 locally owned businesses to be profiled in 60-, 30- and 15- second spots. These spots will be broadcast during a six-week campaign on CBS 5. They are also available on CBS5.com/hervision.

Angela DeFinis Featured in New Book: Roadmap to Success (pdf)

This book features notable business leaders, including Angela DeFinis , Steven Covey, Ken Blanchard, and many others, who detail what savvy companies must do to survive and thrive during the current economic climate.

While the book addresses many aspects of business success, one often overlooked skill revolves around public speaking. Angela DeFinis focuses on key ways to help people become stronger presenters so they can be more competitive and successful in business and in life. “Being able to communicate effectively is a business person’s secret weapon,” says DeFinis. “My goal is to help professionals feel completely unencumbered in sharing their passion and expertise in front of a group.”

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