Our Approach
At the core of our training approach is a belief that training is an
instrument for improving employee and organizational effectiveness.
Every employee who gains greater command as a speaker contributes
directly to the bottom line.
DeFinis Communications programs and services ensure the performance
improvement of your employees by utilizing our unique training approach:
Small class size:
Many presentation skills classes are too large to ensure the
application of what they have learned. DeFinis Communications seminars
are limited to eight students. Participants master new skills in a
learning environment where the focus is on the individual. Each
participant has ample time to develop and apply the new content and
skills. |
Focus on a single business topic:
Each participant selects a subject area related to their current job
responsibilities and communications needs. Through intense seminar
coaching and rehearsal they leave class capable of immediately
delivering an effective presentation. |
Rigorous coaching:
Performance anxiety challenges speakers at all levels of experience. We
have found that as we coach for skill improvement, the confidence index
also rises. Through our rigorous and supportive coaching method
participants gain increased skills and consequently improved confidence. |
All of our methods and techniques - a supportive learning environment,
small class size, intimate learning lab, focus on one business topic,
repetition of exercises, and rigorous coaching - are intentionally
designed to produce seminar graduates who are immediately able to use
their new skills on the job. |