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Does Wisdom Play a Role in Public Speaking?

“I have to give a speech in a few weeks and I’m already nauseous and anxious. I need to talk to someone wise. Can you please call me?”
This was a voicemail message I received last week from someone obviously in need of help.
Every once in a while I get a call like this one, and [...]

San Francisco’s Bay to Breakers Offers Valuable Public Speaking Lessons

Yesterday was the centennial running of the Bay to Breakers foot race. For those of you who have never heard of it, allow me to paint the picture: Over fifty thousand people, a majority of which were dressed in outrageous costumes, took to the streets of San Francisco and marched from the San Francisco Bay [...]

Rebecca Black: Public Speaking & Life Lessons from a 13-Year-Old Pop Sensation

Have you heard of Rebecca Black yet? If not, you probably will soon. She is a thirteen-year-old girl whose parents hired Ark Music Factory to produce a music video for her. If you haven’t seen it, here it is. But I warn you…while Rebecca is a sweet young teenager who may indeed be the next [...]

Cues, Cues, Everywhere: How to Read Your Audience

I have a client who tells me she that when she’s giving a presentation she likes to take “the pulse” of the audience every few minutes. She stays in touch with her audience by reading their cues. She looks first for the friendly faces and then she looks for other behavioral signals. When she can see, hear and feel the energy of an engaged, enthusiastic group then she knows she is connecting with them.

Nodding or Nodding Out: How to Read Your Audience

We all know who they are. You may even be one. I’m talking about the ideal listener.These are the people who sit in the front of the room, turn off their cell phone and Blackberry without a reminder, don’t send Tweets, look attentive, take notes, and show interest.

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