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What’s a Presentation without Visuals?

When it comes to visual aids for a presentation, what’s the first thing you think of? If you said “PowerPoint™” or “slide ware,” you’re in the majority. That’s the default most presenters rely on. But the answers about visual aids that I’ve been getting from my clients recently (and what I’ve seen at their locations) have surprised even me.

For example, I was working with a client in June and walked into the training room to find a chalkboard and box of chalk greeting me.

A few weeks later I walked into a client’s conference room to find an overhead projector.

Last week I was walking down the halls of a large tech company and peered into a conference room. I saw two walls of whiteboard covered with neatly drawn flow charts, bullet charts, and various other schematics—in bright colors.

A few days ago I was working with a client who used colorful 3×5 index cards to organize his key points and deliver his presentation. He rarely uses slide ware but relies instead on his conversational style and deep subject knowledge.

And just yesterday I watched a presentation where the presenter used a flipchart.

So, when was the last time you used a chalkboard, an overhead projector, a whiteboard, a flipchart, or even no visuals at all?

These clients I visited from various industries and organizations—a dental school, a utility company, a software company, a transportation company, and a non-profit organization—all taught me a lesson.

It’s easy to become complacent and narrow-minded about the types of visual aids we use—or don’t’ use. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of thinking that to be effective, a visual needs to be cutting edge and show off the latest visual gymnastics that PowerPoint can produce. And while I was at each location to share “best practices” and reveal the top design tips and staging usage, I learned that every one of these places and people were effective and had an impact because they knew their audience and used visual tools that they could relate to.

So when it comes to visual aid selection, here’s my best advice: Analyze your audience so you know what they expect and what will work for them. Then, understand the options available to you. Know what you are comfortable with and what will help you do your best to meet your audience’s expectations. When you follow that guidance, you’ll be able to produce visual aids that help both you and your message come alive and connect to the heart and mind of every audience member.

August 28th, 2012 | Permalink | Trackback | Bookmark and Share

3 Responses to What’s a Presentation without Visuals?

  1. Public Speaking Tips and Techniques #NN

    [...] limits to the max and move freely throughout an entire room.PowerPoint and VisualsAngela DeFinis argues that “visuals” ≠ slideware.So, when was the last time you used a chalkboard, an [...]

  2. Karen Clark

    Hi Angela - I am wondering what you think of simply referring to a handout. I often do not have a visual up on stage because I feel like it takes away from my engagement with the audience (and can be distracting to them) but I do understand some people are visual learners. I always use a handout, sometimes with graphics/screen shots and usually bullet points. I’ve found this to work well so they have something to take home and also gets them physically involved in the talk as they will take notes. I do often customize my talks and will find myself referring to the handout (on a small table or podium) as well. What do you think?

  3. Angela

    Hi Karen,
    Thanks for your comment. What kinds of presentations do you give? Who is your audience and what do they expect? It sounds like you use handouts effectively as an interactive tool-and for the right audience that can be good way to keep them engaged and learning. For some presentations though handouts can be distracting because people will be reading the handout instead of listening to the speaker. You have to weigh the benefits. As I said in the post-consider your audience and comfort level in deciding what to use. Hope that helps!

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